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شحنها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةمن عند بواسطة The Detox Market | رسوم الاستيراد مستبعدة
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تفاصيل المنتج

تفاصيل المنتج


تونر فائق الترطيب يقشر البشرة ويملأها ويشدها ويفتحها مع توفير توهج متألق. تجمع إيجنت ناتور بين أفضل المكونات غير السامة من أوروبا والشرق الأوسط لتنظيف وترطيب وتنعيم البشرة. تونر هولي (ووتر) يساعد على تقليل ظهور الاحمرار والمسام والخطوط الدقيقة. تساعد تركيبته الغنية بمضادات الأكسدة على تقوية مظهر البشرة وتقليل ظهور حب الشباب.

اعرف المزيد

Agent Nateur is a luxury skincare brand that has quickly garnered attention and acclaim for its dedication to clean, effective, and elegantly formulated products. The brand operates on the ethos that beauty should be chic, luxurious, and above all, safe, ensuring that whatever is applied to the skin is as pure as it is effective. Founded by Jena Covello, the brand's journey began with a quest for a natural deodorant that was both safe and efficient. This pursuit led to the creation of Agent Nateur's signature deodorant, which rapidly became a cult favorite. The deodorant, like all of the brand's offerings, is handcrafted in small batches, using non-toxic, high-quality ingredients sourced from Europe. Beyond deodorants, Agent Nateur has expanded its range to encompass various skincare and body products, all echoing the brand's core principles. Every product is a blend of organic and non-GMO ingredients, ensuring they're not just kind to the skin but also environmentally responsible. In the crowded world of beauty and skincare, Agent Nateur stands out for its uncompromising commitment to quality, its emphasis on transparency, and its belief that luxury and health are not mutually exclusive but rather integral to holistic beauty.