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Creme De La Nuit Night Cream


474 SAR

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474 SAR

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Product Details

Introducing the night cream of your dreams. Featuring a clinically-proven, blend of smoothing, high-performance botanicals—pomegranate, ashwagandha, blue-green algae, kelp—Crème de la Nuit takes beauty sleep to a whole new level. Backed by two studies, and blended over 22 times to get the formula just right, it’s all you need for glowy, youthful-looking skin.The efficacy of Crème de la Nuit was measured through a clinical and a consumer study from day one through day 28.

Skin condition measured through the clinical study revealed a significant improvement in hydration, when used as directed. 91% felt their skin looked healthier in just 28 days.

Consumer results after the first night:
86% My skin is visibly more hydrated
73% My skin looks healthier
69% The general appearance of my skin is improved 52% My skin looks visibly younger
43% The appearance of my wrinkles is reduced
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How to use

Using the spatula, scoop a small amount of crème, warm it between the fingers and then massage gently into the skin.

where nature's potency meets expert formulations for visible and exceptional results Infused with the essence of pure ingredients, the brand offers a range of transformative products that cater to diverse skin needs. From revitalizing serums to soothing balms.